short fiction-film / hd / color / 17min. Brazil / Germany, 2016.

red rio

“There’s a bang-bang movie in which the protagonist says to his fellow: draw a map of that country we were talking about”, says the voice-over. Isabel Batho returns to a devastated Rio de Janeiro post-World Cup and Olympic Games, seeking for a promised land. Her British ancestors have left her a heritage she can no longer find, whilst the ones who remained, displaced and looted in a dystopian city, seek revenge. In this Western from the Global South about exploitation and resistance, colonial agency and the remnants of slavery’s history, old enemies shall meet for a final duel.


Starring: Bel Flaksman, Antonio Pina, Sara Hana / Co-starring: Sr. Farias, Alexandre Paz / Director of photography: Lucas Parente / Additional camera: Lucas Canavarro / Color grading: Diego Quinderé / Costume design: Yanna Bello / Music: Alice Dalgalarrondo, Konstantin von Sichart / Sound operator: Gil Neves / Sound mixer: Bernardo Adeodato / Editing and sound design: Alice Dalgalarrondo / A film by: Antonia Cattan


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